Monday, July 25, 2005

The Simple Truth

Isn't it scary when the truth you have believed all this time just disintegrates? You are suddenly transported back in time and find yourself mentally replaying every moment and every emotion and wondering how you would have reacted if you actually new the REAL truth all along. Torture. I feel like your truth just stole three years of my life. Damnit. Nothing can be undone because I am not who I was then. The choices.
I hate lies. With a passion. Even teeny tiny "you didn't think it was a big deal" ones. If it's a lie, then it's big, bad and black. Makes me wonder how many lies go undetected around me in a day and if I knew the truth, what would be different.


At 7/25/05, 2:56 AM, Blogger KM said...

i relate to what ur saying completely and its almost as if im talking to myself.
dunno if we've been thru the same issue, but its amazing how it feels the same.

At 7/26/05, 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting thoughts... u know u really ought to see me sometime A! If u don't have my number ask for it :)

At 7/28/05, 3:53 AM, Blogger Chiquita Banana said...

khizzy - honestly sounds like u have been through much worse. Sorry you did, love :)

Anonymoua - I need to see you because I have interesting thoughts? I know there is a compliment there somewhere but not sure who u are :) Thanks for stopping by.


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